Friday, November 18, 2011

This year

This year has been a weird one.  In January my father left our family after being married to my mother for 35 years. There had been some issues in my parents marriage, some infidelity, and some trust issues.  Something most marriages can overcome.  My father had left the marriage long before there was any of us finding out the truth.  I know this now but it doesn't hurt the pain. My mother was devastated.  I have not heard from my father because I helped my mother uncover the truth about the girl friend. I guess there was some blaming me for her finding out. My brother lives with my mother and I am sure he has his cross to bear but I am tired.  I am tired of it all.  I think it is ridiculous I am being treated like this by my father.  I am tired of being ignored and I am upset he mailed my daughter a birthday card and I don't get any recognition.  I am also tired of being a support system for my mother.  I know that sounds bad but it is true.  I am not a touchy feely person and I don't have alot of compassion and that is my personality flaw.  I know that.  May be why I don't have a lot of close friends.  But, I don't know what else to say. I am not an IT person and don't know why her computer doesn't work or why something else is not working.  I also am tired of reassuring my mother that my father is an ass.  It is not her fault and she should not feel guilty. But I am not her therapist. Ironically she quit going to her therapist because she said she had me for a support system.  So, what now?  I definitely don't win daughter of the year. I am hurt too though.  I didn't always get along with my father and he is an ass. But, at the end of the day, I no longer have a father and now at the age of 33 am a kid of divorce.  My family is a statistic. I always thought my family was nuclear to say the least.  Personally, I have a blended family ~ you know we got steps all over the place....stepsisters, stepbrothers, stepmoms and stepdads. But we all want to say not in my family. Maybe it is just me though.  So, here it is close to Thanksgiving and most of all I am thankful for my family and everyone in it but I guess even in thankfulness I can still be hurt but I just want to know who my support system/therapist is.......

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