Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Lacey and santa

Being the mom I am I am trying to feel out if my child still believes in Santa because while I dont want to take away her youth I do believe she is the lone believer in it all and it is hard to explain why now she is the only one getting presents.  So I asked if she did and she said "of course mom".  I asked her how she knew and she told me "well Erin saw her one year and that was the year they got scooters"(2006).   Then she said that "one year (2008) that you did not have any money Santa brought her me of presents".  I wanted to tell her no Toys for Tots did that but hey whatever makes her young still.  She also reasoned that no mom or dad would eat all those cookies and I replied well it is a good thing Santa is not lactose intolerant. LOL.  So Santa will again be taking up in form in our house.  Oh yeah the way Santa gets in everyone's house he has a master key.   Why can't I borrow Santa's key when I lock myself out?

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